วันเสาร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Chapter 1 : Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom.

 What is Information?
       Information is knowledge that derived from data and information consists of data, images, text, document and sound. Information is similar as commodity it can be bought and sole and also can accumulated or stored but it isn't depleted when we use it. The potential for information is unlimited. Information is importance to the user when it quickly and easily avialable to used.

What is Data?    
      Data is defined as record facts that can find result from research and observation. Data describes rather than evaluates.Data are often viewed as the lowest level of abstraction from which information and then knowledge are derived.

What is Knowledge?    
       Knowledge is data which individual recognizea as relavant and is thought about or use for a purpose and it has been transformed into information. Knowledge is different from data and information cause it can be created from existing knowledge and using reasoning

What is Good Information?    
       Good information is depend on relevant, timely, accurate and coplete, concise, reduces uncertainty. The informed decision is the best decision and information should be useful for decision making.

What is Poor Information?    
        Poor information is irrelevant, swamping, unclear, not all threw. Because if you are have all of this in your information you may not make audience understand your information.

Sources of Information?    
       Information is derived from many of sources. They are described as
Primary : the level at which the information is generated.

Secondary : comment on events or etc.
Tertiary : used to track existing information.

Information Literate     
       It is improtant to become information literate cause they are know how to find, organize, evaluate to solve particular problem or making decision.

Information Overload  
         Nowaday we will see more information that are unnecessarily from books, newspaper or etc. But the most of people need to be able to sort and choose relavant information and to develop skills such as problem solving. Sometimes when information is overload that make some people don't understand the availble information, don't know if certian information exists, don't know where to find information. Importance thing when you read information that overload you should decide which information is useful.

The Value of Information  
         Information comes to us as many of forms and from variety of sources including books, web sites, peopple and more. We can't place a value on information because value depends on the context. Information provider need to guide user to relevant information that they need to analyse.

Users of Information    
       There are many kinds of Information user in the world that include the users in business and industry, education, research and development, entertainment.
Nowaday in busuness, industry and education needs to use information to be accurate and analysis but for education is differ form business and industry cause it's depending on education level.

What is a Mind Map?    
        Is a famous graphic technigue that can provide potential of the brain. The mind map can be applied to our life cause it's improved learning and clearer thinking and it depend on your brian. A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea.

KATIE : Wantana Tarakachad 54010329

